
You know the feeling when you’re jumping off a cliff (into water) and it takes a second for you to work up the courage, but then you’re finally like what the heck I want to do this it’s going to be so fun. And then you jump and your stomach does somersaults and you’re simultaneously so excited but so scared. And then you’re in the water and you’re smiling and you feel so alive and all you want to do is chase that feeling for the rest of your life?

That feeling is Taylor.

When I think of life and how I want to live it, I think immediately of her.

She holds within her the most beautiful soul. It is vulnerable and sometimes shaky but that is what makes her so alive. Whatever she does, she does with her whole self. In fact, she is the string that connects the soul to the body, never forgetting that while we are here on earth we are all called to experience whatever we may be so lucky to experience. And we are called to feel. To feel happiness shine so bright that we can feel it warm up our insides and sadness so heavy that it pulls us down and excitement so overpowering that it stretches the corners of our mouths as far as they can go.

Taylor feels everything. And when I am with her I feel a longing to live a life as full as hers.

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