
About a week ago, I was talking with an older man about how our world is constantly changing. We started talking about the universe and human exploration on other planets, and he said he found this progress to be rather unsettling.

He said that he feels that we are actively distracting ourselves from the things that demand our attention here on earth. As we look to the stars for our tomorrow, we are letting go of our today. As we look to another universe to conquer, we are forgetting about the universe inside the person sitting right next to us.

And this really made me think of my mom. And I thought about how she’s never distracted from the present. She is constantly living in today, seeing you for what you are in the exact moment you stand in front of her. And I realized that this is a quality that not many people have.

Not many people can take a day for what it is. Most of us (including myself) want to attach a yesterday and a tomorrow, as if they all arrive in one package. As if the sun hadn’t seen the whole entire world since it rose the day before and the moon won’t do the same.

I think, if I could learn one thing from my mom, I would want it to be this. Because while she is beautiful and kind and smart and silly and loving and forgiving, there isn’t even a word to describe this part of her heart. It is so unique and intricate that one word could never explain the way she welcomes in each day and person with open arms.

She is never distracted. She is always right here, right now.

The world would be a different place if we could all be that same way.


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